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What to take into consideration before beginning building of a pool

  1. Before you determine the location of the pool visit at least one already installed pool from the same model you want. It should be better, if the pool is installed from a couple of years. Its condition will tell you more than the seller.
  2. Ask the company to explain you about the process of mounting, the materials and the technical equipment, which are part of the pool. What is the life of the construction and the specialties for the maintenance of the pool?
  3. Does the price include main drain? It is very important for the filtration of the pool water and facilitates the draining of the water.
  4. How and with what pipes will the company do the pipe way of the filter system. You should be very careful, because there are so many companies on the market which use non-qualified hoses only to give you a lower price. The pipe way should be made only with hard or flexible PVC pipes 50 mm or 63 mm in diameter.

We should first determine the location of the pool:

  • The pool should be in convenient place
  • The pool should not be installed on embankment
  • Should not disturb the neighbors
  • Should be on sunlight as long as possible
  • Should be maximum protected from wind- the wind makes the water in the pool cold
  • The terrain should be smooth (the sloping terrain makes the construction more expensive)
  • Do not install a pool on a groundwater
  • If you have children the pool should be visible from the house.
  • Avoid the construction of a pool near trees.  Otherwise in the water will fall leaves.
  • You should be careful for a thick root near the pool. It could damage the pool.
  • If the pool will be enlightened, it should be installed so that the light does not shine where you will be. Otherwise the light will shock the eye.

And here it comes the digging and the construction:

  • You should think about how the digging of the pool will be made
  • Where and how will you throw the unnecessary soil?
  • The distance between the pool and the filter system should be maximum 10m
  • Where will be the filter system and the other technical equipment?(in a shaft or in a little house above the ground)
  • You should think about where you could install heating systems (solar heating, heat pumps)

What additional equipment is good to have the pool:

Solar cover- it keeps the water warm for a long time and reduces the use of chemicals. Do you know that 90% of heat loss is through the surface of the water? That is why you should cover your pool with solar cover during the night.

Solar absorbers- the sun gives us energy for free, energy which is not to be undervalued. Thanks to the solar absorbers the average temperature of the water reaches about 23-24 degrees. Without them, the average water temperature would be 18 to 19 degrees.

Heat pump for the pool- Pool heat pumps are independent from sunshine. They can heat the water in the pool and during cloudy weather. At the same time heat pumps are very economical - about 1 kw/h consumption of electricity they produce 5 kw thermal energy, which through a heat exchanger is led directly into the pool.

With a heat pump you can ensure a constant water temperature in the pool of 28 degrees from May to September.


Counterflow system- The counterflow system creates a strong stream in the pool. Do not have to build a large pool to be able to swim in it. The counterflow system allows swimming in the small pool. Besides swimming, the device can be used for water massage.

Underwater lighting is already a standard in most of the pools. Recently, increases the demand for LED - lighting. The reasons for the increased interest in LED - lights are its economy, the possibility of changing many colors with remote control.

Automatic dosing systems. Dosing systems are especially relevant today when people have less free time, travel to work a long time. In these times automatic adjustment and maintenance of the water in the pool is a particular relief  for the pool owners. All kinds of values can be read and regulated.