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Three main mistakes when installing a prefabricated pool

In order not to waste your money and enjoy your pool for a long time, I will draw your attention to three problems that you should avoid when installing your prefabricated pool.

1. The foundation on which the pool will be placed plays a very important role. Do not install the pool directly on the ground, even if it seems very solid. Any foundation other than a concrete foundation is unpredictable and the risk of the pool giving way is very high. In such a case, the pool warranty does not apply. It is best to cast a reinforced concrete bottom with a thickness of 15 - 20 cm. This way you can be sure that the pool foundation will be strong.

Also, if you have to install the pool on a slope, the place where the pool will be located must be leveled and in no case should the pool wall support the slope. In this case, it is good to make a retaining wall on the side of the slope.

2. When preparing a quote for a pool that is longer than 5 m, some companies include only one skimmer complete with one inlet nozzle. They install the nozzle on the side of the skimmer. In their effort to give the lowest price, these companies resort to this practice, without caring that subsequently the water filtration will be impaired and there will be constant problems with the water quality. Therefore, keep in mind that for pools longer than 5 m or round pools with a diameter greater than 5 m, one or more skimmers should be provided and the inlet nozzles should be located opposite the skimmer. This achieves ideal water circulation in the pool and, accordingly, the water will be maintained more easily.

3. When installing the pool, a backfill of drier concrete should be made between the wall and the soil. This backfill protects the pool wall from damage if the soil around the pool subsides. If the pool is full of water, there is no problem, but when the water is emptied halfway during wintering or when it is completely drained in the spring, then there is a risk of soil subsidence. We often encounter damaged pools, where the backfill was not necessary. So do not risk it, but make the backfill. Only in this way will you guarantee long and trouble-free use of the pool.

Visit our website for prefabricated pools to get more information.