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Portable Hottubs

Hanscraft is a well-known European manufacturer of hot tubs for outdoor and indoor use, based in Prague, Czech Republic. Thanks to the experience gained over more than 15 years, Hanscraft produces hot tubs that are comfortable to use and at the same time do not interfere the natural environment.

The hot tubs are produced in a next - generation factory using robotic production technology.

For the production of the hot tubs Hanscraft uses 100% recyclable Italian material GreenShield instead of the outdated fibreglassing technology.

Why choose a Hanscraft hot tub:

  • High comfort - The design process is strongly influenced by Martin Prohazka, MSc. and a physiotherapist of Czech leading athletes, who ensures that all Hanscraft hot tubs always offer both comfortable and highly effective massage. They will further enchant you with their modern, attractive vision, designed by Ondrej Kamenicki, M.Arch.
  • Environmentally-friendly production - Instead of using shell lamination, which creates harmful styrenes as a by-product, Hanscraft uses high-quality GreenShield materials. They are completely harmless to both health and nature. In addition, they recycle all residual material and bring it back into the production process. This makes them a company with almost zero waste (97%).
  • Precise execution of every detail - Hanscraft has the latest technologies and machines that are currently used in the automotive, aircraft and arms industries. This allows them to be precise to a hundredth of a millimeter. Precision and quality are areas where they never compromise.
  • Strict quality testing before shipment - No hot tub leaves the production hall without a series of strict and thorough testing procedures. All products are tested in real life circumstances, which allows them to eliminate 99% of possible defects and malfunctions.