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Pool heating - options for heating pool water

If you want to use the pool in colder weather or if you want to extend the swimming season, it is a good idea to consider installing a pool heating system.

The recommended water temperature in the pool is around 28°C. There are pools in which a lower temperature is maintained. These pools are used for active swimming. And pools in which the water temperature is constantly maintained above 32°C are used for rehabilitation and therapy.

It is important to know that no matter what water heating system you choose, you must ensure that you have a solar/thermal cover. Without this cover, you will not achieve good results and you will waste a lot of thermal energy in the wind.

There are four types of pool water heating systems: solar collectors or absorbers, electric heaters, air-to-water heat pumps and heat exchangers.

To determine which method suits your needs, you need to know the water volume of the pool, during which months of the year the pool will be used and the desired water temperature.

The choice of a system for heating the water in the pool also depends on the source of heat energy that you plan to use.

The air-to-water heat pump, the electric heater and the solar absorbers are autonomous systems that are directly connected to the pool.

While the heat exchanger needs an additional heat source, for example, central heating, solar collectors.

Below we will show you the advantages and disadvantages of each of the systems for heating the water in the pool.

Air-to-water pool heat pump


  • Economical – 80% of the energy is free (from the air)
  • There are models for year-round use
  • With the best efficiency factor (Efficiency)


  • High purchase price

Electric heater


  • Low purchase price
  • Quickly heats up
  • Easy installation


  • High electricity consumption
  • Installation only indoors
  • Low efficiency factor (Efficiency)
  • Heat exchanger


  • Affordable price
  • There are two models – plate and tube heat exchanger
  • Compatible with all models of local heating


  • The cost depends on the type of the main heat source
  • Installation indoors, near the main heat source
  • Complicated installation

Solar collectors:


  • They use free solar energy


  • A heat exchanger is required that is connected to the central heating system

Solar absorbers:


  • They use free solar energy
  • They are connected directly to the pool


  • They occupy a large area - at least ? of the pool's water area

Recently, heat pumps have become increasingly popular, thanks to their high efficiency and economy.

From a technical point of view, a heat pump is a refrigerator with the difference that the heat pump uses heat to heat the water in the pool. The heat pump takes heat from the air and transfers it to the water in the pool through a heat exchanger installed in it.

Most heat pumps operate at a minimum air temperature of +5 °C. There are models that operate at lower temperatures, for example minus 10 °C. They are used to heat pools that are used year-round.

What is the electricity consumption of a heat pump?

Example: We have a pool with a capacity of 40 cubic meters. We want to raise the water temperature by 10°C for 40 hours. The heat pump we use has a heating capacity of 10 kW. The efficiency of the heat pump is 4.6.

In this case, the electricity consumption of the heat pump will be 2.2 kW. This value is obtained as follows: 10 kW (heating capacity) : 4.6 (efficiency) = 2.2 kW.

Currently (02.2015) one kilowatt-hour of electricity in Bulgaria is worth 0.13837 BGN (daily rate).

The following calculation is obtained: 0.13837 BGN x 2.2 kW x 40 hours = 12.18 BGN. For this amount, we will heat a pool with a capacity of 40 m3 at 10°C for 40 hours.

This amount is obtained if the air temperature is 15 °C. If the temperature is above 20 °C, the efficiency of the heat pump will increase and, accordingly, the electricity consumption will decrease.

What is the Efficiency Coefficient or Efficiency?

Efficiency is the ratio between the heat energy that the heat pump transfers to the pool and the energy it consumes. The higher the efficiency, the more efficient the heat pump and the lower the electricity bills you will receive.

Quality heat pumps have an efficiency of 4 or 5, which means that for one kilowatt-hour of electricity consumed, they transfer 4 or 5 times more heat energy to the water in the pool.

It is important to consider at what air temperature the heat pump achieves an efficiency of 4 or 5. Most manufacturers indicate the efficiency of their heat pumps at an air temperature of 15 °C. Keep this in mind when comparing heat pumps, because a salesperson may mislead you by telling you the efficiency at an air temperature of 24°C.

Choosing a heat pump

Both when choosing a sand filter system and when choosing a heat pump, it is a good idea to choose a more powerful model to ensure quality heating of the water in the pool. A more powerful heat pump will heat the water faster and will achieve even more energy savings.

The table below shows approximate recommendations for choosing a heat pump depending on the capacity of the pool.

Pool capacity kW - heating capacity of the heat pump
30 - 40 cubic meters min. - 9 kW heating capacity
40 - 60 cubic meters min.  - 12 kW heating capacity
50 - 80 cubic meters min. -  16 kW heating capacity

When comparing the values ​​of heat pumps to choose the most suitable one, it is important to compare under the same conditions, that is, at the same air temperature and water temperature.

The heating capacity is the energy that the heat pump transfers to the water in the pool. This energy depends on the air temperature, water temperature and air humidity.

The other important value is the efficiency, which we explained above.

How many hours a day should the heat pump run?

The heat pump is directly connected to the filter system. When it runs, the heat pump also runs. To get a good effect from the heat pump, the filter system must run at least 12 hours a day. It is a good idea to follow the following formula: desired water temperature : 2 or for example 28°C : 2 = 14 hours/day.

Where can the heat pump be installed?

Choosing a suitable installation location is very important because the heat pump takes in and releases a huge amount of air. Therefore, it is mandatory to install it outdoors, with at least 5 m. of free space in front of it.

The heat pump is connected to the pool water circuit by installing it after the filter system.

To prepare for winter, the water from the heat pump is drained and covered with a cover. Quality heat pumps have titanium heat exchangers that can withstand the presence of chlorine, bromine, ozone or salt in the water without any problems.

More details about the different pool heating systems can be found on our website www.pool-expert.eu