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Liner for swimming pool - How to avoid the bleaching and the forming of wrinkles

No matter how easy is to maintain swimming pools with PVC – liner, it  requires special attention so that we can use it for many years. The liner which coats the pools, plays a major role as a coating and waterproofing of the pool.

Often the problem by the pools with liner is the appearance of wrinkles.

This problem may be appeared as a result of:



  • Too high water temperature - maintaining the water temperature above 30 ° C for a long period.
  • Higher values of chlorine than the allowable in the pool water - level of chlorine in the pool should be between 0.3 and 0.6 mg / l.
  • If the pool is left for more than one day empty, there is a danger of groundwater entering between the liner and the concrete foundation, which will certainly wrinkle the liner.


The combination of high water temperature and higher than allowable levels of chlorine could speed up the wrinkles forming on the liner.

Bleaching of the liner on the water line of the pool is a result of the sun rays. In order to reduce the damage on the water line is glued a decorative strip which protects the liner.

There is also another reason for the bleaching of the liner, on which few owners of pools pay attention: maintaining the chlorine values higher than 0.6 mg / l.

In this case there is a danger to form a white spot, mainly around the main drain, because there is a large concentration of chlorine, as a result of the water circulation.

Another serious problem for the liner is throwing chlorine tablets or granules directly into the pool. After dissolving, tablets remain white spots where with the time liner wrinkles, loses its elasticity and cracks.

Also, if by the winterizing of the pool you put in the skimmer tablets fast chlorine and then immediately stop the filter pump without waiting to dissolve, it is highly probable that chlorine, which is heavier than the water, flows outside the skimmer down the wall of the pool. In this case, the surface of the PVC - liner will be damaged irreversibly.

Putting tablets or granules fast chlorine in the skimmer and stopping the filter pump immediately after hides another danger, too, namely the formation of white spots and wrinkles around the main drain of the pool. This occurs because the chlorine goes down through the pipe of skimmer and from there goes into the pipe of the main drain.

To prevent the damage of the liner in this way, when winterizing, wait the dissolving of chlorine tablets and then stop the pump of the pool.