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Heat pump - how to choose the right one for your pool

Practice shows that heat pumps for the pool are an effective and economical way to heat the pool water. The heat pump consumes 80% of energy from the air and 20% electricity.

Considering the large supply of pumps for the pool on the Internet, it would be good to know in which features to compare different models of heat pumps, because if watch only the price, you may make the wrong choice.

Crucial importance when comparing the indicators have  the (heating) capacity and efficiency.

The capacity is measured in kilowatts and shows the amount of energy given by the heat pump to pool water. It is influenced by the air temperature, water temperature and air humidity.

The efficiency is the ratio between the heat transferred to the pool water and the consumed electricity. For example efficiency with value 5 shows that for one kilowatt consumption of electricity the heat pump gives to water in the pool five times more heat. The more the efficiency value is, the better is the effectiveness of the heat pump. The efficiency depends on air temperature, water temperature and air humidity.

When comparing the capacity and the efficiency of different heat pumps, is important to compare their values under the same conditions, i.e. at the same temperature of air and water and at the same humidity.

It is assumed the efficiency and the capacity to be compared with air temperature of 15 ° C and a water temperature of 24 ° C.

Keep in mind that when viewing different pumps, because some traders do not mention in the device description for which water and air temperature  concern the capacity and efficiency.

Another important parameter that needs to pay attention to when choosing pump, is the noise that it causes. This indicator is also very important, because you know how frustrating it is to hear constantly how it works given appliance. Over the time, the noise starts to bother you. The noisy pump could bring you problems with the neighbors if it’s mounted near the neighboring property.

The heat pump noise is measured next to the device or 10 m away from it. Heat pump with low noise level is with value 33 dB (A) at 10 meters from it. When you compare heat pumps always cared about the noise level and the measurement distance.

Depending on the minimum temperature to which they can work, heat pumps can be for year-round or seasonal use. Cheaper models work to a minimum temperature of + 7 ° C or +3 ° C. Heat pumps for year-round use work to a minimum air temperature of - 15 ° C.

The evaporator of the heat pump takes heat from the air and the condenser transfers it to the water in the pool. At low air temperatures the evaporator may freeze, which violates his work.

Defrosting of the evaporator is done in two ways:

  • Defrost with ventilator: The heat pump stops working. The ventilator turns on  (at air temperature - higher than + 7 ° C) and using the still warm air, defrosts the evaporator naturally. The cheaper heat pumps which are used during the period from May to September are thawed this way.
  • Defrosting by reversing the operation cycle of the heat pump: By this method of defrosting the heat of the pool water is used to defrost the evaporator. This method allows the use of the heat pump at air temperatures down to - 10 ° C, - 15 ° C, which is suitable for swimming pools for - long or year-round use.

For of the heat pump heat exchanger is important to know that it is better to be titanium. Only heat pumps with a titanium heat exchanger can be used for swimming pools, which disinfect with salt electrolysis. For salt electrolysis is necessary to put a certain amount of salt in the water (3 to 5 mg / l).

After you know what to take into consideration comparing several heat pumps for swimming pool, you can make your choice of a suitable pump much easier.

Thus you will not allow the incorrect traders to sell you a heat pump that will not be suitable for your pool.