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Five tips on how to maintain your pool liner

For a long time, pool liners have not only been blue, and the shape of the pool to be lined with foil does not have to be only oval or rectangular.

For years, it has been possible to install all kinds of additional "extras" to a pool lined with foil. For example, you can install a Roman staircase, a device for oncoming traffic, lighting, hydromassage equipment and other equipment that for many years was installed only on concrete pools.

Over time, the differences between concrete pools and pools lined with foil have decreased significantly.

The fact is that you can now build a pool with foil at a much lower price than a concrete pool. At the same time, a pool lined with foil is in no way inferior in quality to a concrete pool.

To maximize the life of the foil, it is good to adhere to the following tips:

  1. Protect the foil from damage. Do not enter the pool with heels:)
  2. If the liner is damaged, locate the spot and quickly glue it.
  3. Do not allow the PH level (acidity) to fall below the permissible value. In this case, the water becomes aggressive and may damage the properties of the liner by taking away its elasticity.
  4. Keep the chlorine level to the permissible minimum or use alternative methods for disinfecting the water. High chlorine levels act in the same way on the liner as too low a PH level.
  5. Use cleaning equipment or devices specially designed for use in liner pools. They protect the surface of the liner.