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The location where the filter system will be installed is of great importance. It must be well protected from the cold, have good ventilation and be easily accessible.
For a pool to function normally, the water in it must be turned over by the filter system twice a day. This means that the filter system must operate for at least 8-10 hours a day.
The sand filter consists of a body that can be made of plastic or metal. The plastic material is not subject to corrosion and is much more affordable. There are also higher-quality filters that are made of fiberglass. Quartz sand with a size of 0.4 to 0.8 mm is used as a filler in the filter. Very fine channels are formed in the sand, where waste from the pool is deposited. So there comes a time when the sand must be washed. For this purpose, backwashing is performed. The larger the filter body, the less often backwashing is performed.
In order for the filter system to work for a long time and without problems, the choice of pump is crucial. Like the engine in cars, the pump is a basic element of the pool equipment. Here, the rule that whoever decides to save money when choosing a pump is doing it wrong is especially true. The pump performs the following function: it sucks the contaminated water from the pool through the skimmer, siphon or overflow and transports it to the filter. Good pool pumps are distinguished by their silent operation and lack of vibrations. There are two types of pumps: normal suction and self-priming. The advantage of self-priming pumps is their ability to pump water themselves if they are placed above the water level. Thanks to this ability, self-priming pumps can pump water from pools located up to 3 m lower than them. It is not necessary to dig a shaft below the water level, it is enough to choose a convenient and accessible place on the surface of the earth where to install the filter system. All the pumps we offer are self-priming.
Normal-suction pumps cannot pump water themselves. They must be installed below the water level so that the water can flow to the pump on its own.
It is very important not to allow the pump to run dry! When water passes through the pump, it cools it. If the pump runs dry, it overheats.
The electric motor in the pump rotates at about 3000 revolutions per minute. Therefore, if fibers or other contaminants get into it, this can have fatal consequences for the pump. To prevent this from happening, the pump has a built-in basket that captures coarser contaminants. This basket should be checked at least once a week and possibly removed and cleaned.
The pump is controlled by a valve with six functions:
We have a large selection of ready-made filter system kits. The advantage is that the filter and pump are always matched to each other. This way, you will always get the right filter system.