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How to maintain the pool water

The maintenance of the pool water is extremely important, because the health of the bathing people depends on this.

The pool water is in a closed circle and adding fresh water is done only after a backwash of the sand filter or as a result of evaporation.

Most of the water isn’t replaced for months, that is why we should pay attention to the proper maintenance.

The maintenance of the pool water can be divided into 3:

  1. Mechanical maintenance (filtration, circulation)
  2. Maintenance with chemicals (disinfection, correction of the pH levels)
  3. Additional procedure ( using flocculation, prevention against algae)

Prerequisite for perfect maintenance of the water in the pool is the good filtration and circulation, because without them the maintenance with products is meaningless.

Also you should know that even if the water looks clear, it is not biologically clean and must be treated with preparations for disinfection. Through the maintenance with chemicals we create prerequisites for "healthy" water.

The chemical maintenance of the water in the pool  depends on the correct value of PH (acidity) . PH creates a prerequisite for excellent performance of products used and therefore if the acidity (pH) is not between the admissible levels, other chemicals stop acting.

Here is an example with chlorine using, which is one of the most common disinfectants: If the pH value is 6, the efficiency of chlorine preparations is maximum 92%. If the pH value is 8, the efficiency of chlorine preparations reduces to 25%.

Acidity should be constantly controlled because it can change very quickly, for example after rain or as a result of prolonged heat.

The optimum pH values must be between 7.0 and 7.4.

After we are sure that the level of pH is between the admissible levels, we can treat the pool water with disinfectants.

The most common disinfectants are chlorine, bromine, active oxygen.

Chlorine is universal and tested disinfectant, which is found in the form of tablets, granules or liquid. Liquid chlorine is used in automatic dosing systems. Also, chlorine can be "fast dissolving", which is used for shock treatment of the pool water as a result of turbidity or slime or "slow dissolving", when used with a sustained action.

Note that chlorine has a tendency to bind to the waste products such as urine, as a result of which chloramines come into being. They are responsible for the unpleasant smell of chlorine around the pool. In this case you have to add some fresh water and make shock chlorination of water.

Bromine is used to disinfect swimming pools and whirlpools, where maintaining a constant high water temperature. The reason for this is that as a result of the high temperature the value of pH (acidity) increases, and the bromine do not lose its effectiveness at high acidity, as observed with chlorine chemicals.

Disinfection using active oxygen is just as popular as that of chlorine. The difference is that the active oxygen protects the human skin and has no odor. A disadvantage of disinfection with active oxygen is that it does not form a residual amount in the water to act as disinfect  longer, and in a short time evaporates in the air.

Therefore pool which is maintained by active oxygen requires more attention.

Note: Switching from disinfection with active oxygen to disinfection with chlorine and reverse is completely trouble-free. Such a change from chlorine to active oxygen is possible when you are going away for a long time. Then you can treat pool water with slow dissolving product (chlorine based ) and after you return to switch back to active oxygen.

For the clear water in the pool care the flocculants (coagulants). They consolidate the small particles in the water in order the sand filter to take and filter them.

In summary we can say that maintenance of the water in the pool is a complex process that needs to pay attention to still from the designing of the pool.

Here are some points that need to be taken into account:

  • The type of disinfection - with chlorine or chlorine-free water.
  • With what water will fill the pool – We advise you not to use water from a well, because it contains metals that will color the water pool in black or brown. Also, water from a well is chalky, which can lead to deposition of the limestone in the pipe and filter systems and also on the liner. Its removal is quite hard.
  • Providing enough space in the technical room.