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Aqua - fitness in the pool

Whether it's physical exercise, cycling or running, everything can be done in the water.

Pool owners can be happy that they are not dependent on membership cards, monthly subscriptions, etc., because they can exercise in their own pool. This way, you can increase the benefits of owning a pool and use it not only for relaxation and swimming, but also for aqua fitness.

Training in water allows for an even and constant load on the body. When exercising in water, there is no risk of stress on the bones, joints and spine, which is inherent in other types of sports. The reason for this is the fact that a person weighs only about 10% of their own weight in water.

The cooling effect of water allows for better results to be achieved in a shorter time.

Training in a pool helps to maintain body temperature within acceptable limits in a natural way and protects the body from overheating. As a result, a person can train longer and more intensely without having to take a break.

Another advantage of aqua fitness is that only when training in water can two opposing muscle groups be worked while performing the same exercise.